قصة قصيرة : صافي أسطورة الشاطئ
بالأمس، وبينما كنا نستريح تحت مظلتنا التي أنهكتها عوامل الطقس، مستلقين في نسيم الشاطئ الرقيق في أواخر الصيف، شهدنا لحظةً ستصبح أسطورية. كان يوم الجمعة، عند الظهيرة، في تلك الساعة الكسولة بعد صلاة ...
Short story: "Safi: A Shoreline Legend"
Yesterday, just as we settled under our weather-beaten umbrella, lounging in the soft beach breeze of late summer, we witnessed a moment that would become legendary.It was Friday, high noon, in tha...
Self-Portraits: My Rembrandt-Inspired Journey
Inspired by Rembrandt, I started a daily self-portrait practice that's changed my life. Rembrandt, the prolific seventeenth-century Dutch artist, created an astounding eighty self-portraits through...
Meet My Family: A Magician’s Magician
Few people outside my family know that I have a magician for an uncle. As a boy I’ve had eggs appear out of nowhere from behind my ear, coins pulled from my nose, and as a teenager, I spent many d...
The Miracle of Fátima: A Childhood Fascination
Since I was a child, the story of the Miracle of Fátima has captivated my imagination. The idea that three young shepherd children in Portugal witnessed apparitions of the Virgin Mary, and that the...